InstaPaper API - /api/1/bookmarks/get_text

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I'm working the InstaPaper API

I'm using this string to pull the content of the article.

$Bookmark_Text = $connection->getBookmarkText($Bookmark['bookmark_id']);

Unfortunately it is pulling the entire html and basically putting the HTML structure in my HTML.


    <head>Instapaper Title</head>
    <body>InstaPaper Article Content</body>

Any thoughts on how to just get "Instapaper article content"



There are 2 answers

freejosh On

Use a parser to extract the contents of <body>. PHP has some built in, but there are others out there which might be easier to use.

This should do it if $Bookmark_Text is a valid HTML document.

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$body = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0);
$content = $body->ownerDocument->saveHTML($body);
drkbrd On

Here’s some JS code that extracts only the article and removes Instapaper’s stuff (top and bottom bar for example).

html.replace(/^[\s\S]*<div id="story">|<\/div>[^<]*<div class="bar bottom">[\s\S]*$/gim, '');

Be aware that it may change as Instapaper’s HTML output changes.