So, I have already defined the lambda data type as such:
data LExpr
= Variable String -- variable
| Apply LExpr LExpr -- function application
| Lambda String LExpr -- Lambda abstraction
deriving (Eq, Show)
Now I want to implement an instance of Show
myself. I have already the function show'
which does most of the work, but without using instances:
show' :: LExpr -> String
show' (Variable a) = a
show' (Apply e1 e2) = "(" ++ show' e1 ++ " " ++ show' e2 ++ ")"
show' (Lambda x e) = "(λ " ++ x ++ ". " ++ show' e ++ ")"
How I can implement it, to get the following output without using explicitly the show'
Main> (Apply (Lambda "x" (Apply (Variable "x") (Variable "y"))) (Variable "z"))
((λ x. x y) y)
Add an instance declaration for the
class.And remove the