The error is being caused by Visual Studio Installer 2017 trying to execute the command C:\WINDOWS\system32\dism.exe" /online /quiet /norestart /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:"netfx4extended-aspnet45" /All /logPath:"C:\Users\lgray\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20170828185051_001_Microsoft.VisualStudio.AspNet45.Feature.log"
. When I try to execute the same command using the command line tool as administrator I get an error:1206. All attempts made to fix the problem failed. The command cannot work without /ScratchDir set.
Is there a way to set /ScratchDir globally so that all command that ran uses the default or is the a way to append to the command being executed by Visual Studio Installer?
Is there a way to skip the executing of the command?
Anything solution is welcome.