I´m trying to be able to program sml code inside of emacs. I have installed emacs 24.3 on windows and I also have installed Poly/ML Version 5.5.1. Isn´t there any way to get this working?
I tried installing SML-MODE like this: http://alleystoughton.us/sml/sml-emacs.html But it seems that I only have subdirs.el in my site-lisp directory...
I tried writing M-x sml-mode in emacs and my file with code ends with .sml
I have no syntax highlighting and tried both M-x global-font-lock-mode and sml-poly-ml but it didn´t work so Poly/ML isn´t installed in emacs? How do I get poly to work on windows with emacs?
The currently recommended way to install sml-mode is via
M-x list-packages
should appear and you can then just click your way to installing it, and it's then automatically enabled in .sml files.