I'm trying to install PDFLib (http://www.pdflib.com/) into Apache/Joomla running on my Mac OSX 10.6 pc. The procedure I've followed is:
- copy /PDFlib-7.0.5/bind/php5/php-530/libpdf_php.so to: /usr/lib/php/extensions/libpdf_php.so
- add to php.ini: extension=/usr/lib/php/extensions/libpdf_php.so
- change permissions on the executable: chmod a+rwx libpdf_php.so
- restart Web Sharing in System Preferences
when I look at php_info() I don't see a section for PDFLib, and I cant see any errors in Console. Any clues what else to check?
apparently the solution is to use the 10.5 binaries: http://www.pdflib.com/binaries/PDFlib/705/PDFlib-7.0.5-MacOSX-10.5-Universal-php.dmg