I'm relatively new to python so apologies if this is a dumb question.
I'm having trouble installing gsutil on Windows
I'm following the directions here
I've had to install python 2.7 and unzip gsutil in C:\gsutil\gsutil
the directions say to run the following code in the python command prompt
python gsutil
I'm getting this error
File "<interactive input>", line 1
python gsutil
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Thanks in advance!
What you want to do is find where "python.exe" and "gsutil.py" sit on your local system, like
So hit Win+R, cmd, Enter to get into a command prompt, and do a
Then you want to call the python interpreter on the gsutil.py file, like
And it should work. For your initial configuration, you would run:
And a web-browser would pop open for completing the setup. There are some other nuances, but mostly "python.exe C:\gsutil\gsutil\gsutil.py COMMAND" is an exact replacement for "gsutil COMMAND" including all flags, so a long command like:
Will work.