I am trying to create an installer using InstallAware.
I have a big database that i should create during installation.
I generated the script and while trying to add the script to the MS SQL Server command, it is taking too long, about 15 min.
Is there any solution for this issue?
Thanks for your help.
InstallAware, Add a big SQL script problem
617 views Asked by Ghyath Serhal At
I ended up shelling out to a custom program to do SQL actions, since the MS SQL Server command didn't give me the logging and other troubleshooting visibility I needed. I would also say that installing a new database (particularly if you're installing a new SQL Server instance) takes a LONG time, and is extremely error prone. This isn't really InstallAware's fault; but due to the fact that SQL Server is a HEAVY install. If I had it to do other again, I would definitely use something like SQLite for any application that "normal people" (i.e. not IT pros) will be installing.