Installation of elastic search 5.1.1 in windows 7 32bit RAM:4gb pc

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when i try to open the bat file of elastic search in command prompt it showing a following errors

Error occurred during initialization of VM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Please Can anyone help me in sorting out this problem clearly because i am new to this environment ??


There are 3 answers

Kulasangar On

It seems like you need the latest version of the jdk.

Check it out here from the requirement matrix. Scroll down to Elasticsearch 5.1.x within the Product and JVM section where it says that you got to have Oracle JVM 1.8u40+.


What if you run your jvm as such, by increasing your heapsize:


or what if you set it from the the Environment Variables:

Go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > advanced(tab) > Environment VariablesSystem VariablesNew and then the following values:

Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
Variable value: -Xmx512M

This SO could be helpful!

vinod_vh On

Follow below steps

  1. Use latest version of java8

  2. Goto config folder and open elasticsearch.yml file then do below changes.

Uncomment the and in elasticsearch.yml like below and give your own cluster and node name. ESCluster ESNode

3.Change heap size in jvm.options


  1. Goto bin folder then run elasticsearch.bat
Roeland Van Heddegem On

Could you alter your 'ELASTICSEARCH DIR'/config/jvm.options?

Try altering this:




or even lower (like 512m)