I am using WAS LP with Oracle Java 1.7 on windows 7 Machine. I want to use wasJmsClient-2.0 feature in in my Application. I ran the "productInfo featureInfo" command but its output doesn't display feature wasJmsClient-2.0. How can I install this feature into the server?
Install wasJmsClient-2.0 feature in Liberty Profile
340 views Asked by Prerak Tiwari At
The wasJmsClient-2.0 feature isn't available for, it is only currently available as a beta. It will be available on June 26th 2015, but that'll only install on top of so you will need to upgrade.
There is a wasJmsClient-1.1 feature which is available for If you need this on then you can get it by downloading the wlp-extended- which can be downloaded from fix central. Otherwise I'd suggest upgrading to the latest from fix central, or wasdev.net and running: