im using Installshield 5.0 to create the setup of my application.
my application needs the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable
to be installed On target computer. so i launch the vcredist_x86.exe from mys installshield seteup.rul
script as follow :
sVCREdistprog= sPackSetupDir ^ "\\SetupPack\\vcredist_x86.exe";
if (LaunchAppAndWait (sVCREdistprog, "/q:a", WAIT) < 0) then
MessageBox ("Unable to launch: "+ sVCREdistprog+".",WARNING);
this is working fine almost the time. But sometimes it fails ( on WIN7 64 PCs). can any one tell me why it fails and how can i solve this problem?
pWe also install vcredist_x86.exe 2005 on all target computers not as redistributeable but from script like you do. This code works for all Windows OS. We never had a problem with this on over 1000 clients. We used this script since InstallShield 6.0 up to InstallShield 2014.
We put the vcredist_x86.exe in Support Files\Language Independent. On Setup execution this file will be available from SUPPORTDIR.
We have custom log() function. Just ignore this calls to log() or change them to MessageBox or something.
If the constants are not available: