I have followed this guide to install mautic on virtual server on virtualmin. In apache config file, I have changed documentRoot to /home/mautic/public_html/mautic
(mautic:virtual servername) and Directory to /home/mautic/public_html/mautic/
from the default path /var/www/html/mautic
shown in the guide. But when I test mautic on mautic.DOMAIN_NAME.com, I get 403 error `Forbidden
You don't have permission to access this resource. Can you install mautic on virtual and how?
install mautic on virtualmin
581 views Asked by Ninad Hatankar At
you have installed mautic on a subdirectory on subdomain,
/home/mautic/public_html/mautic/ will point to DOMAIN_NAME.com/mautic
you have to create a virtual sub server on your access domain mautic.DOMAIN_NAME.com. please google it, it's very easy.
if you are getting errors on DOMAIN_NAME.com/mautic. please paste last few errors from error logs in the comments.