I have an open source project developed using ruby (ruby on rails). I'm completely new to ruby and I just need to run this project on my local server (windows). I failed to run ruby on rails using xampp, and it turned out that I need to use Webrick Server. But I noticed that Webrick server runs on mac operating system. So I decided to run a Virtual Mac OS to run on it my ruby on rails project.
I know I'm in a mess and that's why I need your help.
I downloaded and installed VirtualBox and I'm following this guide: http://www.macbreaker.com/2013/01/iatkos-ml2-mountain-lion-virtualbox.html
Now I need to download the aitkos using bittorrent client which I also have no idea what is it. I'm lost and I've followed so many tutorials with no result :/ Please help!!
I think there is no need to go for Mac OS. If you have Window System, Set up the Vagrant Dev Environment. It will provide rails platform to run ROR projects i.e Linux.
So Just follow this step. We can run ROR project on this environment very easily on Window.