Install highcharts extenion in yii2 manualy [without composer]

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Step 1:Downloaded highcharts extension and extract it in /vendor/miloschuman/highcharts Step 2: added following code in extension.php

    'miloschuman/highcharts' => array (
    'name' => 'miloschuman/highcharts',
    `enter code here`   'version' => '4',
    'alias' => array (
        '@miloschuman/highcharts' => $vendorDir . 'miloschuman/highcharts',

step3: added code in autoload_psr4.php

'miloschuman\\highcharts\\' => array($vendorDir . '/miloschuman/highcharts'),

Step 4 :in view

use miloschuman\highcharts\Highcharts;

but getting error

Class 'miloschuman\highcharts\Highcharts' not found


There are 2 answers

Ankush Rishi On

Please visit
It worked fine for me. Hope this work fine for you also.
You can download the ZIP file and follow the process accordingly as given in the link.

AlbertoRamirez On

You are missing /src when editing autoload_psr4.php

'miloschuman\highcharts\' => array($vendorDir . '/miloschuman/highcharts/src'),