I'm trying to programmatically insert a block from a pre-existing drawing into the current drawing a plugin is running on. To do that, I have a button on my C#.NET form call the following method
public void MakeAndInsertObject() //Method to add all windows and doors templates to drawing database for use later
Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; //Stores the active document
Editor ed = doc.Editor; //Stores the document's editor
Database dtb = ed.Document.Database; //Stores the database from the editor
Transaction tr = dtb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); //Start a transaction with the document's database
DocumentLock docLock = doc.LockDocument();
using (tr)
using (docLock)
BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(dtb.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite); //Opens the block table record so you can write to it
BlockTableRecord newBlockDef = new BlockTableRecord(); //Creates a new record in the block table
BlockTable blockTable = (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(dtb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite); //Opens the block table so it can be written to
//Pointing new block to correct drawing file
newBlockDef.Name = "Door";
newBlockDef.PathName = "C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/All Code/clearspan-autocad-tools-development/Templates/locks/DOOR.dwg";
blockTable.Add(newBlockDef); //Adds the block table record to the block table
BlockReference newBlock = new BlockReference(new Point3d(0, 0, 0), newBlockDef.ObjectId); //Insert a block reference with the newly created block
btr.AppendEntity(newBlock); //Inserts the block into the current space (Model or Paper) via the block table record
//Updates the Transaction with all new database objects
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(newBlockDef, true);
tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(newBlock, true);
tr.Commit(); //Applies all changes made as part of the current transaction
The code fully executes but the block in my DOOR.dwg file does not appear at location (0, 0, 0) and I do not know why it doesn't
I took a snippet from Keen Walmsley and edited it to not be so cumbersome and more legible. This is pretty basic. You should read over some of Keen's stuff it is pretty good and he is very descriptive in his notes. see code below for usage.
Just out of curiosity, If someone had developed a python API for use in AutoCAD, Would you use it? or give it a shot?