I would like to show that a user knows a preimage to a sha256 hash in circom. The preimage can be of any length, but realistically between 100-700 bytes. I tried code:
template ArbitraryLengthSha256 () {
signal input nBits;
signal input preimage[nBits];
signal output result[256];
var i;
component hashed = Sha256(nBits);
for (i=0; i<nBits; i++) {
hashed.in[i] <== preimage[i];
for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
result[i] <== hashed.out[i];
which results in the error:
error[T20460]: Typing error found
┌─ "ppp.circom":8:26
8 │ signal input preimage[nBits];
│ ^^^^^ The length of every array must known during the constraint generation phase
error[T20461]: Typing error found
┌─ "ppp.circom":14:23
14 │ component hashed = Sha256(nBits);
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every component instantiation must be resolved during the constraint generation phase
error[T2005]: Typing error found
┌─ "ppp.circom":15:14
15 │ for (i=0; i<nBits; i++) {
│ ^^^^^^^ There are constraints depending on the value of the condition and it can be unknown during the constraint generation phase
Is there any way to do a sha256 hash of an arbitrary-length string in circom?