Input Method Manager Functions - correct call order for Hiragana to Kanji candidates list c++ covnersion

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I'm trying to convert the Hiaragana characters to candidates list (Kanji). Looks like it should be possible by using the Input Method Manager Functions but it doesn't work as I expected.
I installed the Japanese Language pack and I'm able to open IME in the text editor so some functionalities should be enabled.

In src we have sth like:

HIMC context = ImmCreateContext();//non-NULL result
bool result = ImmSetOpenStatus(context, true);//result == true
std::wstring wstr = L"こいび";//Hiragana string for conversion
result = ImmSetConversionStatus(context, IME_CMODE_JAPANESE, IME_SMODE_NONE);//result == true
result = ImmSetCompositionString(context, SCS_SETSTR, (LPVOID)wstr.c_str(), wstr.length(), NULL, 0);//result == true
DWORD listCount = 0;
DWORD lpdResult = 0;
lpdResult = ImmGetCandidateListCount(context, &listCount);//listCount == 0, lpdResult  == 144

Looks like it works somehow but I'm always getting similar results (I checked it for standard letters, shorter JPN string and by creating std::string + conversion to wstring).
Unfortunately I didn't found example related to it so maybe I didn't call something or I called something in wrong order.
The MS documentation contains not too much details about it so I'm not sure what's wrong.


There are 1 answers

huinalam On

Imm function must use in window message loop.

for example, look remark part.

"Applications typically call this function in response to an IMN_OPENCANDIDATE or IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE command."

when message loop type is "IMN_OPENCANDIDATE" or "IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE", you can use immgetcandidatelistcount function.