I have a script which is supposed to copy photos uploaded by admin users to our website to two other backend servers. To do so it does the following:
while true; do
inotifywait -e create "$TRANSFER_FILES" && \
sleep 20 && \
copy_files "$SSH_SERVER_1" "$REMOTE_DIR_1" && \
copy_files "$SSH_SERVER_2" "$REMOTE_DIR_2"
sleep 2
The sleep 20 is to give apache time to resize the uploaded images.
The problem:
If I create a file in the $TRANSFER_FILES directory (which is on a local filesystem), either as root or the apache user, with touch or cat or whatever, inotifywait receives the CREATE evenc and the copy_files function (wrapping rsync) is called. However, when the apache process creates the files, nothing happens.
Not direct answer for your question, but you should consider using lsyncd. It does exactly what you are trying to do: It waits through inotify and then run synchronization (by default by rsync). It's standalone daemon, well tested.