Injecting principal into resource method in Jersey 2

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I am developing a REST API using Jersey 2 and at the moment I am trying to incorporate basic authentication by use of an annotation similar to the @Auth found in Dropwizard. With

public class HelloResource {
    public String hello(@Auth final Principal principal) {
        return principal.getUsername();

the hello resource invocation should be intercepted by some code performing basic authentication using the credentials passed in the Authorization HTTP request header and on success injecting the principal into the method principal parameter.

I have started creating an @Auth resolver, see below, but I do not see how I can access the Authorization HTTP request header from within that?

public class AuthResolver {
    public static class AuthInjectionResolver extends ParamInjectionResolver<Auth> {
        public AuthInjectionResolver() {

    public static class AuthValueFactoryProvider extends AbstractValueFactoryProvider {
        public AuthValueFactoryProvider(final MultivaluedParameterExtractorProvider extractorProvider, final ServiceLocator injector) {
            super(extractorProvider, injector, UNKNOWN);

        protected Factory<?> createValueFactory(final Parameter parameter) {
            final Class<?> classType = parameter.getRawType();
            return classType == null || !classType.equals(Principal.class) ? null :
                   new AbstractContainerRequestValueFactory<Principal>() {
                       public Principal provide() {
                           // Authentication?

    public static class Binder extends AbstractBinder {
        protected void configure() {
                    new TypeLiteral<InjectionResolver<Auth>>() {

How to approach this? :)


There are 1 answers


Ah, in AbstractContainerRequestValueFactory<Principal> I can add

@Context private ResourceContext context;

and then extract the HTTP request and it's headers from there inside the provide method.