Informix throw internal error when creating new transaction in existing one

123 views Asked by At

I have task which run in transaction

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, timeout = 600)
public int run() {

and I have method which should run in new transaction:

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public void updateSelect(String id, String newStatus, String oldStatus) {

now when my task read just one record then it is ok. But when task read more then one record informix throw internal errror when selecting second record in new transaction. I should also mention that record is deleted when there is no error. In oracle this works OK but in informix this throw exception. I tried to comment creating new transaction or not delete record and then it works OK. But this is no solution for me.

My informix version: informix version: 12.10.FC4


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