I am a beginner, I downloaded the model and tried studying it. But whenever I convert a sentence to speech, The model stops at 35 seconds or around 440 characters giving max_decoder_steps warning. I want to convert a story to speech which would be around 1000 characters. Is there any way to bypass this limit?
Increasing speak limit of mozilla tts
608 views Asked by AmanSharma At
There are 3 answers
Increase the value of "max_decoder_steps".
For example, I use the Tacotron2 model.
tts --text "Hello"
> tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC is already downloaded.
> vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/hifigan_v2 is already downloaded.
> Using model: Tacotron2
> Models reduction rate r is set to: 1
> Vocoder Model: hifigan
> Generator Model: hifigan_generator
> Discriminator Model: hifigan_discriminator
The installed project can be found here. Debian 10.
We need a config file.
Changing values.
max_decoder_steps: int = 500
max_decoder_steps: int = 10000
Thanks to SteveDaulton.
Works in virtual environments. The tacotron_config.py
file was located in the folder.
Of course you can. I just opened
, looked formax_decoder_steps
and put the value 5000 as a test, and now it creates longer wav files.