I'm attempting to implement multiplication and division in GF(2^8) using log and exponential tables. I'm using the exponent of 3 as my generator, using instructions from here.
However I'm failing some trivial test cases.
assert((GF256elm(4) / GF256elm(1)) == GF256elm(4));
assert((GF256elm(32) / GF256elm(16)) == GF256elm(2));
assert((GF256elm(15) / GF256elm(5)) == GF256elm(3));
assert((GF256elm(88) / GF256elm(8)) == GF256elm(11));
//fails, but should pass
assert((GF256elm(77) / GF256elm(11)) == GF256elm(7));
assert((GF256elm(77) / GF256elm(7)) == GF256elm(11));
The first four line passes, however it fails on both 5th and 6th line.
Upon further investigation I found out that these error occur when there is a 'wrap over', i.e. log3(a) + log3(b) > 255
(multiplication case) or log3(a) - log3(b) < 0
. However the value is "modded" such that they remain in 0~255 using true modulus.
GF256elm& GF256elm::operator/=(const GF256elm& other) { //C++ operator override for division
int t = _logTable[val] - _logTable[other.val]; //log3(a) - log3(b)
int temp = ((t % 255) + 255) % 255; //this wraps the value to between 0~254 inclusive.
val = _expTable[temp];
return *this;
the /
operator is implemented using the /=
override above so nothing special happens there.
I have checked that the generated log/exp tables are correct.
What am I missing here? Thanks!
There is nothing wrong with the code. Finite field multiplication/division is different from normal arithmetic. Please refer to this question in cryptostackxchange.