incompatibility when running dart rpc and shelf (with shelf_rpc) related to headers which are lists (and not Strings)

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incompatibility when running dart rpc and shelf (with shelf_rpc) related to headers which are lists (and not Strings).

It seems that there is an incompatibility when running dart rpc and shelf (with shelf_rpc) related to headers which are lists (and not Strings).

Error thrown is ( for shelf[0.5.7], shelf_rpc[0.0.3], rpc[0.4.2]: ):

    Error thrown by handler.
    type 'List' is not a subtype of type 'String' of 'value'.
    package:collection/src/canonicalized_map.dart 66:30  CanonicalizedMap.[]=
    package:collection/src/canonicalized_map.dart 71:39  CanonicalizedMap.addAll.<fn>
    dart:collection                                      _CompactLinkedHashMap.forEach
    package:collection/src/canonicalized_map.dart 71:18  CanonicalizedMap.addAll
    package:collection/src/canonicalized_map.dart 57:11  CanonicalizedMap.CanonicalizedMap.from
    package:shelf/src/response.dart 215:9                Response.Response
    package:shelf_rpc/shelf_rpc.dart 18:24               createRpcHandler.<fn>.<fn>

A workaround around this problem is to change shelf_rpc.dart to replace the Lists by Strings:

    // Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
    // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
    // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

    import "package:shelf/shelf.dart";
    import "package:rpc/rpc.dart";

    /// Creates a Shelf [Handler] that translates Shelf [Request]s to rpc's
    /// [HttpApiRequest] executes the request on the given [ApiServer] and then
    /// translates the returned rpc's [HttpApiResponse] to a Shelf [Response].
    Handler createRpcHandler(ApiServer apiServer) {
      return (Request request) {
        try {
          var apiRequest = new HttpApiRequest(request.method, request.requestedUri,
          return apiServer.handleHttpApiRequest(apiRequest).then(
              (apiResponse) {
            // EXTRA: print and work-around
            printHeaders(apiResponse.headers, true);
            printHeaders(apiResponse.headers, false);
            // EXTRA <end>        
                return new Response(apiResponse.status, body: apiResponse.body,
                                    headers: apiResponse.headers);
        } catch (e) {
          // Should never happen since the apiServer.handleHttpRequest method
          // always returns a response.
          return new Response.internalServerError(body: e.toString());

    // EXTRA WORKAROUND: print headers & replace Lists by Strings
    printHeaders(Map headers, bool replaceListsBytStrings) {
      print('--HEADERS start---');
                     (key, value) {
                   print('key: $key - value: $value - type: ${value.runtimeType}');
                   if ( (replaceListsBytStrings) && (value is List) ) {
                     String str = value.toString().substring(1, value.toString().length-1);
                     headers[key] = str;
      print('--HEADERS end---');


    --HEADERS start---
    key: content-type - value: application/json; charset=utf-8 - type: String
    key: cache-control - value: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate - type: String
    key: pragma - value: no-cache - type: String
    key: expires - value: 0 - type: String
    key: access-control-allow-credentials - value: true - type: String
    key: access-control-allow-origin - value: * - type: String
    key: allow - value: [GET] - type: List
    key: access-control-allow-methods - value: [GET] - type: List
    key: access-control-allow-headers - value: origin, x-requested-with, content-type, accept - type: String
    key: Access-Control-Allow-Headers - value: null,Authorization, content-type - type: String
    --HEADERS end---
    --HEADERS start---
    key: content-type - value: application/json; charset=utf-8 - type: String
    key: cache-control - value: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate - type: String
    key: pragma - value: no-cache - type: String
    key: expires - value: 0 - type: String
    key: access-control-allow-credentials - value: true - type: String
    key: access-control-allow-origin - value: * - type: String
    key: allow - value: GET - type: String
    key: access-control-allow-methods - value: GET - type: String
    key: access-control-allow-headers - value: origin, x-requested-with, content-type, accept - type: String
    key: Access-Control-Allow-Headers - value: null,Authorization, content-type - type: String
    --HEADERS end---

There are 1 answers

Gustav Wibling On BEST ANSWER

This should be fixed in the latest version of the Dart RPC package (v0.4.3). Please try it out and let me know how it works.
