Include relationship when querying node using Prisma generated wrapper

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I am following the GraphQL Prisma Typescript example provided by Prisma and created a simple data model, generated the code for the Prisma client and resolvers, etc.

My data model includes the following nodes:

type User {
  id: ID! @unique
  displayName: String!

type SystemUserLogin {
  id: ID! @unique
  username: String! @unique
  passwordEnvironmentVariable: String!
  user: User!

I've seeded with a system user and user.

mutation {
  systemUserLogin: createSystemUserLogin({
    data: {
      username: "SYSTEM",
      passwordEnvironmentVariable: "SYSTEM_PASSWORD",
      user: {
        create: {
          displayName: "System User"

I've created a sample mutation login:

login: async (_parent, { username, password }, ctx) => {
    let user
    const systemUser = await ctx.db.systemUserLogin({ username })
    const valid = systemUser && systemUser.passwordEnvironmentVariable && process.env[systemUser.passwordEnvironmentVariable] &&(process.env[systemUser.passwordEnvironmentVariable] === password)

    if (valid) {
      user = systemUser.user // this is always undefined!

    if (!valid || !user) {
      throw new Error('Invalid Credentials')

    const token = jwt.sign({ userId: }, process.env.APP_SECRET)

    return {
      user: ctx.db.user({ id: }),

But no matter what I do, systemUser.user is ALWAYS undefined!

This makes sense - how would the client wrapper know how "deep" to recurse into the graph without me telling it?

But how can I tell it that I want to include the User relationship?

Edit: I tried the suggestion below to use prisma-client.

But none of my resolvers ever seem to get called...

export const SystemUserLogin: SystemUserLoginResolvers.Type<TypeMap> = {
  id: parent =>,
  user: (parent, args, ctx: any) => {
    return ctx.db.systemUserLogin({id:}).user()
  environmentVariable: parent => parent.environmentVariable,
  systemUsername: parent => parent.systemUsername,
  createdAt: parent => parent.createdAt,
  updatedAt: parent => parent.updatedAt


  let identity: UserParent;

  const systemUserLogins = await context.db.systemUserLogins({
    where: {
      systemUsername: user,
  const systemUserLogin = (systemUserLogins) ? systemUserLogins[0] : null ;

  if (systemUserLogin && systemUserLogin.environmentVariable && process.env[systemUserLogin.environmentVariable] && process.env[systemUserLogin.environmentVariable] === password) {
    console.log('should login!')

    identity = systemUserLogin.user; // still null

Edit 2: Here is the repository


There are 2 answers


There are currently two ways to solve this problem:

  • Using the Prisma client as OP does at the moment
  • Using Prisma bindings as was suggested by @User97 in the accepted answer

You can learn more about the difference between Prisma client and Prisma bindings in this forum post.

As OP is currently using Prisma client, I'll use it for this answer as well!

Let's take a look at a statement OP made in the question:

This makes sense - how would the client wrapper know how "deep" to recurse into the graph without me telling it?

OP stated correctly that the Prisma client can't know how to deep to go into the graph and what relationships to fetch. In fact, unless explicitly told otherwise (e.g. using the $fragment API), the client will never fetch any relationships and will always only fetch the scalar values. From the Prisma docs:

Whenever a model is queried using the Prisma client, all scalar fields of that model are fetched. This is true no matter if a single object or a list of objects is queried.

So, how to properly resolve this situation? In fact, the solution is not to make changes to the way how the Prisma client is used, but to implement an additional GraphQL resolver function!

The point about resolvers is that they're fetching the data for specific fields in your schema. In OP's case, there currently is no resolver that would "resolve" the user relation that's defined on the SystemUserLogin type:

type SystemUserLogin {
  id: ID! @unique
  username: String! @unique
  passwordEnvironmentVariable: String!
  user: User! # GraphQL doesn't know how to resolve this

To resolve this situation, you need to implement a dedicated "type resolver" for it like so:

const resolvers = {
  SystemUserLogin: {
    user(parent, args, ctx) {
      return ctx.db.systemUserLogin({id:}).user()

Full disclosure: I work at Prisma and we're working on adding better documentation and resources for that use case. Also check out this example where explicit resolvers for the author and posts relation fields are required for the same reason.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: We have also added a slightly more thorough explanation in the Prisma tutorial about Common resolver patterns.

Raeesaa On

Second parameter of prisma binding functions accept GraphQL query string. Changing following line from

const systemUser = await ctx.db.query.systemUserLogin({ username })


const systemUser = await ctx.db.query.systemUserLogin({ username }, `{id username user {id displayName}}`)

will give you the data of user.

Prisma binding will return only direct properties of model in case second parameter is not passed to it.