In the scheme run debugger popup, all it shows is 'None' and 'GDB'. This is for an iPad 4.2 simulator built with LLVM.
In Xcode 4 GM, how do I turn on LLDB? All I see is GDB
9.5k views Asked by AudioBubble At
There are 3 answers

LLDB is shipping with XCode 4.0.1 that you can buy from Apple's AppStore.
You only have to switch to LLDB. You can do that by pressing Option key when clicking on "Run" and choose LLDB instead of CDB (third drop down box on Info tab).
Here's XCode (can be found in "About XCode) that I have:
Version: 4.0 (4A1006)
Location: /Developer
Xcode: 4.0.1 (99)
Instruments: 4.0 (3538)
Dashcode: 3.0.2 (333)
Mac OS X:
10.6: (4A1006)
iPhone OS:
3.2: (7B500)
4.3: (8F191m)
iPhone Simulator:
3.2: (7W367a)
4.0: (8A400)
4.1: (8B117)
4.2: (8C134)
4.3: (8F192)
You can't. In words of an Apple employee, LLDB is not available for iOS development yet. As of july 2011 it is unknown when LLDB will become available for iOS.
In Xcode 4.0.2 your only option is GDB. In Xcode 4.2 you have LLDB as an option, but you can't use it:
The LLDB project doesn't list a date for iOS support. The FAQ says:
And the WWDC 2011 sessions that talk about LLDB (eg: 321 Migrating to LLDB) don't mention anything about iOS devices.