I have an endless loop problem in Simpy simulation.
My scenario is: After finishing triage, a patient wait until getting empty bed. However, if there is no empty bed, the patient should wait until an empty bed is available. When a patient uses a bed and leaves the hospital, the bed turns into a dirty bed. The dirty bed turns into an empty bed when the cleaner cleans it. Bed cleaning work start after getting clean request.
I used "Store" for managing beds I think I have an infinite loop when there is no empty bed and no dirty bed.
I think...
- Add a queue (After triage)
- From the queue, assign a bed based on the FIFO.
- If we don't have empty or dirty bed, we should wait until a dirty bed is available.
But, I don't know how to implement this idea. Please help me to solve this problem.
import simpy
import random
class Pre_Define:
warmup_period = 1440
sim_duration = 14400
number_of_runs = 3
class Patients:
def __init__(self, p_id):
self.id = p_id
self.bed_name = ""
self.admission_decision = ""
def admin_decision(self):
admin_decision_prob = random.uniform(0, 1)
if admin_decision_prob <= 0.7:
self.admission_decision = "DIS"
class Model:
def __init__(self, run_number):
self.env = simpy.Environment()
self.pt_counter = 0
self.tg = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = 4)
self.physician = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = 4)
self.bed_clean = simpy.Store(self.env, capacity = 77)
self.bed_dirty = simpy.Store(self.env, capacity = 77)
self.IU_bed = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = 50)
self.bed_cleaner = simpy.Resource(self.env, capacity = 2)
self.run_number = run_number
def generate_beds(self):
for i in range(77):
yield self.env.timeout(0)
yield self.bed_clean.put(f'bed{i}')
def generate_pt_arrivals(self):
while True:
self.pt_counter += 1
pt = Patients(self.pt_counter)
yield self.env.timeout(1/7)
def Process(self, Patients):
with self.tg.request() as req:
yield req
triage_service_time = random.expovariate(1.0/18)
yield self.env.timeout(triage_service_time)
if self.bed_clean.items != []:
get_empty_bed_name = yield self.bed_clean.get()
Patients.bed_name = get_empty_bed_name
elif self.bed_dirty.items != []:
get_dirty_bed_name = yield self.bed_dirty.get()
with self.bed_cleaner.request() as req:
yield req
yield self.env.timeout(50)
print("NO BED, Should Wait!!")
no_bed = True
while no_bed:
#print("Waiting dirty bed")
if self.bed_dirty.items != []:
get_dirty_bed_name = yield self.bed_dirty.get()
print("Find dirty bed!")
with self.bed_cleaner.request() as req:
yield req
yield self.env.timeout(30)
Patients.bed_name = get_dirty_bed_name
no_bed = False
with self.physician.request() as req:
yield req
yield self.env.timeout(10)
if Patients.admission_decision == "DIS":
with self.IU_bed.request() as req:
yield req
yield self.env.timeout(600)
get_dirty_bed_name = Patients.bed_name
yield self.bed_dirty.put(get_dirty_bed_name)
get_dirty_bed_name = Patients.bed_name
yield self.bed_dirty.put(get_dirty_bed_name)
def run(self):
self.env.run(until = Pre_Define.warmup_period + Pre_Define.sim_duration)
for run in range(Pre_Define.number_of_runs):
run_model = Model(run)
So you got the right idea where you use two Stores to track dirty and clean beds. The trick is to request both a clean and a dirty bed at the same time, and discard the request you do not use.
So the big changes I made was to request both a clean bed and a dirty bed and used env.any_of() to get me the first filled request. Note that both requests could get filled. Since I made two requests, that means I need to either cancel the request I do not use, or if filled, return the unused bed back to its queue. The other thing I did was to make a separate process for the cleaners. This means that the both the patients and the cleaners will be competing for dirty beds.