I've downloaded the XML data from Apex and designing RTF template using BI publisher on Word. There are dynamic color values for each invoice eg: #ff0000 for INVOICE_NO 001 and #ff00ff for INVOICE_NO 002
In a table, need to add the field value INVOICE_NO and need to add the background color of the table as field VALUE COLOR.
I've put the code below but the color is just displaying as black
Please correct the XML code
Should be able to change
Some examples of background color coding in the RTF file:
Every other row is gray
Red if > 1000
Color options:
To change the color attribute, you can use either the standard HTML names (for example, red, white, green) or you can use the hexadecimal color definition (for example, #FFFFF).
Examples found in:
Oracle® XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide Release 12 Part No. B31410-01