I am using boto3 library to establish connection to an s3 compatible storage. I had created a class with constructor that take cluster details, access key & IDs as inputs, having these initiated. now created a method that opens s3 clients to the clusters and returned the s3 client object. want to use this in a diff method of the same class to list buckets:
class s3_boto3_methods():
def __init__(self,host,port,user,accesskey,session_token = None):
#self.host = host
self.port = port
self.host = host + ":" + str(self.port)
self.user_key = user
self.access_key = accesskey
session_token = None
def s3_Client_Connection(self):
s3_client = boto3.client('s3',use_ssl=False,verify=False, aws_access_key_id=self.user_key,aws_secret_access_key=self.access_key,endpoint_url=self.host)
return (s3_client)
def listBuckets(self,client):
response = client.list_buckets()['Buckets']
print ("Buckets for user:",self.user_key)
for item in response:
print (item["Name"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
In the above, the method s3_Connect_Connection returns s3_client object, i need to use this inside listBuckets method. Currently, i am handling this by calling instance.s3_Client_Connection and passing this returned connection as parameter in next line.
Open to suggestions, that can improve this code snippet.
Other Option is to call s3_client_connection inside the listBuckets, so whenever list buckets is called, it sets up client connection first:
def listBuckets(self):
response = s3_client.list_buckets()['Buckets'] #here response is a list with dictionaries as list items in it.
print ("Buckets for user:",self.user_key)
for item in response:
print (item["Name"])