I am trying to find out the translation vector (basically pose estimation) between two consecutive images. Here is what I did in OpenCV (.js):
- Take input from the webcam
- Get the consecutive images
- Find feature in both the image using ORB
- Applied BFMatcher to get the matching
- Applied ratio test for the good matches
- Now with the help of keypoint of both the images I found out the Essential matrix using cv.findEssentialMat(pt1,pt2...)
- Since I have Essential matrix I can find out the Rotational matrix and translational vector b/w the consecutive two images
But this way I am getting a random value of translation vector, I am working on visual-inertial SLAM for that I need to find acceleration from the visual (and that can be found out If I have the correct translation b/w images).
I doubt if the matching is giving me the good result. Can someone please help me with this issue?
EDIT: I am adding the result what I am able to achieve so far: Matching and other result