I am writing some scripts for data migration and the insert part (insert into ... select from) works great so far. However the verification statements gives the following error:
22992. 00000 - "cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables"
Which is caused by selecting a CLOB column from a remote DB:
select sum(owa_opt_lock.checksum(clobCol)) into x_var from TableA@OLD_DB;
select sum(owa_opt_lock.checksum(clobCol)) into y_var from TableA;
--Compare the check sums to verify if migration succeed
After researching it seems like the standard solution to this error is to copy the data to a local table beforehand. But this is defeating the purpose of verification since corruption may occur while copying to local table!
Another solution from the web I found is to do the following:
SELECT (select column_b from sample_table@TEST_LINK) AS column_b FROM DUAL
which is said to be work on earlier versions of Oracle but doesn't work in 12C.
What should I do?
You don't need to pull the CLOB across the dblink.
Just call the owa_opt_lock.checksum function on the remote DB as well.
That way only the resulting number is passed back across.
If you really needed to pull the CLOB across the dblink, you could use the lob_over_dblink.get_clob function.
For completeness I'll mention that the owa_opt_lock.checksum throws the ORA-22835 exception for CLOBs longer than 4000 bytes.
If you wanted use it to pull across individual CLOB checksums safely, you could do it like this: