In Javascript, why are char codes reversible but not codepoints, for emojis?

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Here, I split apart a string and put it back together, using two approaches: char codes and code points. I expected the two approaches to be equivalent. The charCode solution works, but yet the codePoint solution does not. I expected that charCodeAt and fromCharCode, and codePointAt and fromCodePoint, would both be reversible.

const str = ``;
const codepoints = str.split(``).map((_, i) => str.codePointAt(i));
const charCodes = str.split(``).map((_, i) => str.charCodeAt(i));

    'str.length': str.length,
    '[...str]': [...str],
    'str.split()': str.split(``),
    fromCodePoint: String.fromCodePoint(...codepoints),
    fromCharCode: String.fromCharCode(...charCodes)

However, the following output is produced by both Node.js, and Chrome, running on macOS. charCodeAt returned the original string, which I expected, but yet fromCodePoint did not. Why is thiat? Furthermore, how can I figure out how to generate the original string using fromCodePoint?

  str: '',
  'str.length': 14,
  '[...str]': [
    '', '',
    '', '',
    '', '',
  'str.split()': [
    '\ud83c', '\udf45',
    '\ud83c', '\udf46',
    '\ud83c', '\udf47',
    '\ud83c', '\udf48',
    '\ud83c', '\udf49',
    '\ud83c', '\udf4a',
    '\ud83c', '\udf4b'
  codepoints: [
    127813,  57157, 127814,
     57158, 127815,  57159,
    127816,  57160, 127817,
     57161, 127818,  57162,
    127819,  57163
  fromCodePoint: '\udf45\udf46\udf47\udf48\udf49\udf4a\udf4b',
  charCodes: [
    55356, 57157, 55356,
    57158, 55356, 57159,
    55356, 57160, 55356,
    57161, 55356, 57162,
    55356, 57163
  fromCharCode: ''

There are 1 answers

Mr. Polywhirl On

If you want to split the string to get the same result as spreading the string into an array, you will need to group the bytes pairs:

spread = [...str]

split = [...chunks(str.split(''), 2)].map(s => s.join(''))

You can create a genrator function that will partition an array into chunks of size n..

function* chunks(arr, n) {
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += n) {
    yield arr.slice(i, i + n);

  str = '',
  spread = [...str],
  split = [...chunks(str.split(''), 2)].map(s => s.join('')),
  codepoints = str.split('').map((c) => c.codePointAt(0)),
  charCodes = str.split('').map((c) => c.charCodeAt(0));

  'length': str.length,
  'spread': [...str],
  'split': split,
  fromCodePoint: String.fromCodePoint(...codepoints),
  fromCharCode: String.fromCharCode(...charCodes)
kbd {
  border: 4px outset grey;
  padding: 2px 4px;
  font-family: monospace;
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