I am trying to write a method test_run(first_param,second_param)
in one spec file program_spec.rb
and I want to call this method test_run
in another spec file second_program_spec.rb
. How do I call the method which is declared in program_spec.rb
to be used in another spec file ?
In chefspec is it possible to write a method once and call that method in other spec files?
57 views Asked by blueowl At
you can create a helper_spec.rb and include it in the required specfiles. I attach a link to the documentation examples.
https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-core/v/3-9/docs/helper-methods/define-helper-methods-in-a-module#include-a-module-in-only-some- example-groups
Best Regards.