I just installed "wakanda v 2" on my macbook...I try then the main tuto https://wakanda.github.io/doc/#/tutorial?section=main...I don't receive "angular 4" in the different propositions when I "create a new solution"...I just can reach "angular" or "angular 1"...It's thus impossible for me to follow the rest of this tutorial.
impossible to reach the "angular 4" option when "create new solution" in wakanda 2 on mac OS
104 views Asked by B.Schyns At
As the angular team announced earlier, "Angular 4" will be referred as "Angular" version 4.0.0. So you will see "Angular" instead "Angular 4" or "Angular 2" in documentations and products that use Angular.
The Angular in Wakanda Studio drop-down shown in your screenshot is indeed referring to Angular 4.
You can find the version number of your Angular framework in the app root of any built angular page: