importmap with anggularjs some time cause error `A controller with this name is not registered`

33 views Asked by At

Importmap config:

pin "application", preload: true
pin "home", preload: true

application layout:

<body id="page-top" ng-app="userApp" ng-strict-di>
  <nav class="header shadow" ng-controller="NavbarController as vm" ng-init="vm.init()">

  <%= javascript_importmap_tags %>
  <%= yield :javascript %>

Home page

<% content_for :javascript do %>
  <%= javascript_import_module_tag "home" %>
<% end %>


// AngularJs
import {} from 'libs/angular/angular.min'
import {} from 'libs/angular/angular-animate.min'
import {} from 'libs/angular/angular-cookies.min'
import {} from 'libs/angular/angular-sanitize.min'
import {} from 'libs/angular/angular-messages.min'
import {} from 'libs/angular/toaster.min'
import {} from 'angular/common'
import {} from 'angular/app'


import {} from 'angular/controllers/navbar_controller'

when I reload page (command+shift+R) sometime I get an error like

Error: $controller:ctrlreg
A controller with this name is not registered.
The controller with the name 'NavbarController' is not registered.$controller/ctrlreg?p0=NavbarController

If I put all home.js to application.js it will be ok. But, I just want to separate many small files and only load what the page uses. What wrong with this code?


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