Named import from UMD module (arent UMDs supposed to work in browsers and Deno seems similar to a browser?):
import { range } from "[email protected]/dist/global/rxjs.umd.js";
import { operators } from "[email protected]/dist/global/rxjs.umd.js";
results in
error: Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '[email protected]/dist/global/rxjs.umd.js' does not provide an export named 'operators'
error: Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '[email protected]/dist/global/rxjs.umd.js' does not provide an export named 'range'
also importing directly from ES2015
import { range } from "[email protected]/dist/esm2015/index.js";
import { filter, map } from "[email protected]/dist/esm2015/operators/index.js";
appears to be working, loads a lot of internal modules and then crashes:
Download[email protected]/dist/esm2015/internal/observable/fromEvent
/// downloads 150 internal modules
Download[email protected]/dist/esm2015/internal/util/Immediate.js // 5 minutes later
error: Import '[email protected]/dist/esm2015/internal/symbol/observable.js' failed: 500 Internal Server Error
at[email protected]/dist/esm2015/index.js:4:0
RxJS seems a fairly well maintained library - I don't suppose it's incorrectly packaged, but since it does start to download internal es2015 modules I assumed the import is done correctly
UPDATE: UMD usage remains unsolved, it's still unclear how 'dist/global/rxjs.umd.js' works
There is documented somewhere -- can't find the reference -- that unpkg breaks esm2015 packages into subpackages (esm2015/operators/index.js)
Could not find a way to import from UMD, however:
Needs further looking into:
import { range } from "[email protected]/mode=imports/optimized/rxjs.js";