Implicit conversion from Traversable to Foldable in Scalaz 7

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Where is the implicit conversion from a scala.collection.Traversable[A] to a scalaz.Foldable[A] defined in Scalaz 7.x? The standard import

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

does not include it.

There used to be an implicit def TraversableFoldable[]... defined in scalaz/Foldable.scala, but

Relevant implicits used to be defined in scalaz/Foldable.scala, but have been moved into


scalaz.std.traversable does not exist, though. Perhaps this is an accidental omission?

FWIW, scalaz.std.list is included by the standard import, so a List[A] converts to a Foldable[A]. scalaz.std.iterable is not in the standard import and must be explicitly convert Iterable[A] to Foldable[A] implicitly.


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