Implication branch doesn't see variables

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Here is a little test:

:- begin_tests(tuturuu).

test(foo) :- Expected=[a,b],Got=[a,b,c],verdict(foo,Expected,Got).

% helper: transform lists A,B into ordered sets As,Bs

setify(A,B,As,Bs) :-      % A,B -> As,Bs
   list_to_ord_set(A,As), % A->As
   list_to_ord_set(B,Bs). % B->Bs

% did the test pass? set-compare Expected and Got

verdict(Value,Expected,Got) :-   % V,E,G -> b?
   format("For ~w, expected ~w and got ~w\n",[Value,Eos,Gos]),
   -> true ; (format("For ~w, expected ~w but got ~w\n",[Value,Eos,Gos]),fail).

:- end_tests(tuturuu).

rt :- run_tests(tuturuu).

When I load this into SWI-Prolog:

?- [foo].
Warning: /home/somone/
Warning:    Singleton variable in branch: Eos
Warning:    Singleton variable in branch: Gos

The -> branch doesn't have access to the (local) variables Eos and Gos? But why?

It has access to Value because that one appears in the head I suppose.

And indeed:

?- rt.
% PL-Unit: tuturuu For foo, expected [a,b] and got [a,b,c]
For foo, expected _29026 but got _29032                       <--- YUP NO ACCESS
ERROR: /home/someone/
        test foo: failed

% 1 test failed
% 0 tests passed

It don't really see why this restriction occurs, expect that maybe it's a part that hasn't been implemented in the compiler?

(Btw, we need one of those "keep the bar in the green windows" for unit testing from the Java World, like this: (stolen from here)

junit test bar


There are 1 answers

Paulo Moura On BEST ANSWER

Missing parenthesis? Try:

verdict(Value,Expected,Got) :-   % V,E,G -> b?
    (   ord_seteq(Eos,Gos)
    ->  true
    ;   format("For ~w, expected ~w but got ~w\n",[Value,Eos,Gos]),

Note that the standard operator definitions are:

?- current_op(Priority, Type, ',').
Priority = 1000,
Type = xfy.

?- current_op(Priority, Type, '->').
Priority = 1050,
Type = xfy.

W.r.t. "keep the bar in the green windows", you can do it easily with Logtalk lgtunit tool (which you can also use to test Prolog code). E.g. See and for an introduction.