I want to display blackberry maps with markers for various location within my application. I tried using net.rim.device.api.lbs.maps.ui.MapField
but it throws IllegalArgumentException(Bitmap is too large)
Anyone has tried implementing net.rim.device.api.lbs.maps.ui.MapField
and setting the model with Mappable
or MapLocation
to display various locations?
All i'm trying to do is display map with multiple location markers. On click of markers it should display a details screen for that location.
RichMapField map = MapFactory.getInstance().generateRichMapField();
MapDataModel modelMap = map.getModel();
// Your Locations
MapLocation julieHome = new MapLocation( 43.47751, -80.54817,"Julie - Home", null );
int julieHomeId = modelMap.add( (Mappable) julieHome, "julie" );
MapLocation paulHome = new MapLocation( 43.47551, -80.55335, "Paul - Home", null );
int paulHomeId = modelMap.add( (Mappable) paulHome, "paul" );
map.getMapField().update( true );