I created html e-learning using Animate CC, and I had problems when I trying it out in the Moodle app. On the content page, all bitmap images are not displayed at all, only text is displayed.
here's the code I use,
(elearning_c.bmp_area = function() {
}).prototype = p = new cjs.Bitmap();
p.nominalBounds = new cjs.Rectangle(0,0,50,50);
// bmp_area
this.instance = new elearning_c.bmp_area();
this.instance.parent = this;
elearning_c.properties = {
id: 'DC13DBC2CDF2A8419AB311DD38BFD644',
width: 1280,
height: 720,
fps: 24,
color: "#FFFFFF",
opacity: 1.00,
manifest: [
{src:"assets/M02K00H01/bmp_area.png?1594349632559", id:"bmp_area"}
preloads: []
Can anyone suggest me on how to solve this issue?