IIS 8 Site opening wrong website

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We have deployed 3 Siebel (Oralce CRM package application) websites on Win 2012, IIS 8.

Each of these 3 websites have separate aliases and they use separate host header. Each of the 3 websites, have their own Application pools also. On the DNS, crmdev, crmtest and crmuat all point to 10.x.x.x. (same IP)

Host header Alias       IP  
crmdev     -         10.x.x.x
crmtest    -         10.x.x.x
crmuat     -         10.x.x.x

All the websites, have epublicsector_oui_enu application in them.

Issue: We have observed, that SOMETIMES when we try to open http://crmuat/epublicsector_oui_enu , the Test application opens up (instead of UAT). But after we do a Test and UAT application pool restart and Test and UAT Website restart, it works fine for some time. But all of a sudden after few hours/days, the issue re-occurs. There is no specific time or duration after which this happens.

Siebel has specific handler mappings, which are pointing correctly on the physical server path.

Can you please guide as to what is it that is causing this?

Regards Jim

IIS8 websites


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