I have a Asp.net website, with a folder /Images. I set my web.config in order to deny access to anonymous users: If anonymous users try to access MyWebsite/Images : Erreur HTTP 403.14 - Forbidden , so it's OK for this.
But when they write the full Url with the filename : MyWebsite/Images/pict.png , they can open the file !
I've tried this in my web.config, but doesn't work... :
<deny users="?" />
I've this authentication mode:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="2880" defaultUrl="~/"/>
By default, only managed code is affected by your web.config authentication settings such as aspx and ashx pages. If you want to apply those settings to non-managed code, such as images, pdf files or other html pages, you could add the following: