If x and y then construction

103 views Asked by At

In a web app written in VB.NET .NET 4.0, using VS 2012, there is this line:

    serverPort = CInt(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT"))
    serverName = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")

    If serverPort = nonsecurePort And serverName.Contains("MyWebSite.com") Then

     more code if both clauses are true

    end if

As it turns out, nonsecurePort = 8089 and in this case serverport is 80 so we think should means the the app will not execute the code in the if clause, as the serverport is not equal to the nonsecurePort.

BUT in fact, we watch the code go right into code and we do not understand why. This is an ASP.NET app. We published it to a DEV web server and are debugging it remotely.

Why could this happen?


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