if controller not working when I use ${status} == true

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I am having a hard time having jemeter working with my if condition

enter image description here

As you see the above I am checking is status variable which I created in earlier car is true and it is true so I expect this if gets executed but it does not. However as soon as I change it to

enter image description here

It works fine.

I need these kind of check for sure(for a case like ${status} == false)

Am I missing anything?

** Update **

when I disable interpret regx I can see it works enter image description here


There are 1 answers


This is expected behaviour.

In If Controller When you uncheck "Interpret condition as Variable Expression", Javascript is used to evaluate :

${status} == true

So it works, but it hurts badly performances.

So instead and as per reference documentation:

Option 2 : Use a function (${__jexl3()} is advised) to evaluate an expression that must return true or false

So keep "Interpret condition as Variable Expression" checked and use __jexl3 function:

${__jexl3(${status} == true,)}

This give you:

Good configuration