Idiomatic list construction

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I'm very new to Haskell and functional programming in general, so I don't really know how to make this code idiomatic:

type Coord = Double
data Point = Point Coord Coord Coord deriving Show

type Polyline = [Point]

-- Add a point to a polyline
addPoint :: Polyline -> Point -> Polyline
addPoint line p = p:line

line :: Polyline
line = []

constructLine :: Polyline -> Polyline
constructLine line =
        p1 = Point 2 4 87
        p2 = Point 3 7 2
        p3 = Point 23 4 8
    in addPoint (addPoint (addPoint line p1) p2) p3

main :: IO() 
main = do
    putStrLn ( show (constructLine line))

My problem is in the constructLine function. If I want to add a lot of points the nested addPoint functions are going to be a problem. How can I factor this? And do you see other things that could be improved?


There are 2 answers


The multiple call to addPoints could be replaced by a fold. As suggested in a comment, reversing your addPoint function would make things easier:

addPoint' :: Point -> Polyline ->  Polyline
addPoint' p line = p:line

So then your constructLine function could build a temporary list of the points to add add use a fold:

constructLine :: Polyline -> Polyline
constructLine line =
        p1 = Point 2 4 87
        p2 = Point 3 7 2
        p3 = Point 23 4 8
    in foldr addPoint' line [p3,p2,p1]

This does not break the encapsulation (you can replace your implementation of Polyline by something else than a list of Point) and uses the new points in the order they're going to end up at (p3 in front of p2, etc.)

Luis Casillas On

Your constructLine example just strikes me as a long-winded version of this:

constructLine :: Polyline -> Polyline
constructLine line = [Point 23 4 8, Point 3 7 2, Point 2 4 87] ++ line

I don't know if you've come across these yet, but just to be sure:

  • [Point 23 4 8, Point 3 7 2, Point 2 4 87] is just a list literal.
  • ++ is the function to append lists.

Generally, to add multiple elements to a list, what you do is you have a list of the elements that you wish to add, and append that list together with the original list.

This pattern continues. If we notice that line is a constant defined to [], then your whole program really is just a long-winded version of this:

type Coord = Double
data Point = Point Coord Coord Coord deriving Show

main :: IO () 
main = putStrLn (show points)
     where points = [Point 23 4 8, Point 3 7 2, Point 2 4 87]

Basically, if the points' values are known at compilation time, you can just write the list, there's no need to go through all this indirection.