In my profile service why is RequestedClaimTypes Empty? I am expecting the profile claims to be requested. And per this they should contain FamilyName and Given Name claim types.
public static IEnumerable<IdentityResource> GetIdentityResources()
return new List<IdentityResource>
new IdentityResources.OpenId(),
new IdentityResources.Profile(),
new Client
ClientId = "46a0ab4a-1321-4d77-abe5-98f09310df0b",
ClientName = "TypeScript SPA client",
RequireClientSecret = false, // if false this is a public client.
AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Implicit,
AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true,
RedirectUris = { "http://localhost:3000/callback" },
PostLogoutRedirectUris = { "http://localhost:3000/" },
AllowedCorsOrigins = { "http://localhost:3000" },
AllowedScopes =
RequireConsent = false,
oidc-client configuration typescript
const myOidcClientSettings: OidcClientSettings = {
authority: `${protocol}//${hostname}:5000`,
client_id: '46a0ab4a-1321-4d77-abe5-98f09310df0b',
post_logout_redirect_uri: `${protocol}//${hostname}${port ? `:${port}` : ''}/`,
redirect_uri: `${protocol}//${hostname}${port ? `:${port}` : ''}/callback`,
response_type: 'id_token token',
scope: 'openid profile'
const myUserManagerSettings: UserManagerSettings = {
automaticSilentRenew: false,
filterProtocolClaims: true,
loadUserInfo: true,
monitorSession: false,
silent_redirect_uri: `${protocol}//${hostname}${port ? `:${port}` : ''}/callback`,
Inside the Login Post I add the following claims:
Claim[] claims =
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, $"{loginResponse.FirstName} {loginResponse.LastName}"),
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, loginResponse.EmailAddress),
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.PhoneNumber, loginResponse.PhoneNumber),
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName, loginResponse.LastName),
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.GivenName, loginResponse.FirstName),
//new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.AuthorizationCodeHash, aRequest.Password), // The Password will be need by the BFF but can NOT be sent to the Typescript client
await HttpContext.Authentication.SignInAsync(subjectId, userName, authenticationProperties, claims);
public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext aProfileDataRequestContext)
Logger.LogDebug("Get profile called for {subject} from {client} with {claimTypes} because {caller}",
if (aProfileDataRequestContext.RequestedClaimTypes.Any())
return Task.FromResult(0);
Resulting User Info that profile does NOT contain the profile items: (Shortend for readability
"User info": {
"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1N",
"session_state": "M5uV9nYzvmlWjvpjmX--OOPcwAEeVesV7aG9ZO0svS8.8f757e9a033183149734adb156fbb39d",
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "openid profile",
"profile": {
"sid": "4372a4cbb9938449a39d72db1a9fc6f0",
"sub": "[email protected]",
"auth_time": 1505037917,
"idp": "local",
"amr": [
"expires_at": 1505042091,
"state": {
"returnUrl": "/en-us/test"
It looks like you have to include the following option to your client,
So that your client will include the claims in the token.