We signing the XML with below code , but we missing ID attribute in many place like SignedInfo and Object Tags
Please help us to rectify the code. ........... XadesSigningProfile p = new XadesBesSigningProfile(kp) .withBasicSignatureOptionsProvider(new extentProvider()) .withAlgorithmsProviderEx(new AlgProviderEx()); XadesSigner signer = p.newSigner();
......... DataObjectDesc obj1 = new DataObjectReference(refUri) .withTransform(new EnvelopedSignatureTransform()) .withDataObjectFormat(new DataObjectFormatProperty("text/xml","" ).withDescription("contenido comprobante")); ..... signer.sign(obj1 ,objContent);
XAdEs4j handles the generation of the Ids automatically as needed for the internal references. All the required IDs should be added. Do you need to reference those elements externally?