ICE PDF | How to deploy and use with print option

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I am using icepdf - opensource java application for pdf viewer in my web. ICEPDF works fine for me (I can view pdf using this) but now I want to add print option to this. Is this possible. Is there any war file for this so that I will deploy it in tomcat.


There are 2 answers

pcorless On

If your using the viewer as an Applet then you can use the "print" button on the toolbar to print. If your using the ICEfaces webapp example or a variant of it then printing will be difficult via the browser. The Servlet responsible for rendering a PDF page render a page at a time. In order to print the whole document all pages in the document would have to be rendered to the browser before a print could be initiated.

Other PDF viewer web apps often push the print command off to a client side Applet or some native PDF viewer.

pcorless On

The PropertyManager class can be used to configure the UI. Create a new instance, set the desired overrides and pass pass it into the SwingViewBuilder constructor.

SwingController controller = new SwingController(); 

PropertiesManager properties =
    new PropertiesManager(System.getProperties(),


SwingViewBuilder factory = new SwingViewBuilder(controller, properties);