I have an NSWindowController class connected to an .xib that I present as a sheet with the following method in my main ViewController:
func openSheet() {
var modalSheet = NSWindowController()
modalSheet = modalWindow(windowNibName: "modalWindow") as modalWindow
self.view.window!.beginSheet(modalSheet.window!, completionHandler: nil)
modalSheet.window!.delegate = self
being the name of the NSWindowController
sheet class.
In my modalWindow class I have the following method:
@IBAction func cancel(sender: AnyObject) {
var delegate: NSWindowDelegate? = ViewController() as NSWindowDelegate
var nsn = NSNotification(name: "", object: nil)
println("Closing Modal Window. Saved data: \(data)")
Now when I call the protocol method in my main ViewController:
@IBOutlet var path1: NSTextField!
func windowWillBeginSheet(notification: NSNotification) {
path1.stringValue = "abc"
shows up as nil.
Any help or guidance on fixing the issue of path1
showing up as nil would be greatly appreciated.