IBM uDeploy unable to retrieve npm versions from artifactory

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I have a normal npm angular package published to Artifactory's npm repository at

https:<artifactory host>:<port>/npm-prereleases-local/@my-scope/modulename/-/@my-scope/modulename-1.1.0.tgz

I am able to retrieve a list of the versioned files using a Artifactory REST service call at endpoint

https:<artifactory host>:<port>/api/storage/npm-prereleases-local/@my-scope/modulename/-/@my-scope

Returns a json with all relevant files under that path i.e.


I have configured uDeploy's component to point to the same npm-prereleases-local on artifactory. When I run "Import Versions" on uDeploy component I see the following message indicating that it has imported versions successfully but I don't see the versions on uDeploy to be used for actual deployment.

[Action] Getting list of versions for: https:<artifactory host>:<port>/api/storage/npm-prereleases-local/@my-scope/modulename/-/@my-scope

[Ok] Finished

Looking around, it seems like I am not the only one going through this issue, but I don't see any of those answered either, so asking again.


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