My developed application remains in background and doesn't open on Iphones that upgraded their IOS version to 12.

When I run the application from Xcode into a real device it works just fine, the mentioned problem arise when trying to export the ipa and selecting "Enterprise" as a method of distribution.

note that when I select "Development" as a method of distribution; it works fine, the problem happens in the enterprise case only.

This video explains it all

  • The application is built using MobileFirst 7.1.
  • The UI framework is ionic 1.
  • Cordova version 3.6.4.
  • XCode version is 10.
  • My application is an enterprise application.

here are the logs

error 10:44:05.109096 +0300

SpringBoard [Application Center App] Bootstrap failed with error:

error 10:44:05.109128 +0300

SpringBoard Bootstrapping failed for with error: Error Domain=BKSProcessErrorDomain Code=1 "Unable to bootstrap process with bundleID Application Center App" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to bootstrap process with bundleID Application Center App, BKSProcessExitReason=0, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to start job, NSUnderlyingError=0x2831ce0d0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=3 "No such process" UserInfo={BKLaunchdOperation=launch_get_running_pid_4SB, NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to get pid for label UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0xea2f][62], BKLaunchdJobLabel=UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0xea2f][62], NSLocalizedFailureReason=No such process}}, BKSProcessJobLabel=UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0xea2f][62], BSErrorCodeDescription=bootstrap-failed}

error 10:44:05.110497 +0300

assertiond Failed to start job with error {

description = "Unable to get pid for label UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0xea2f][62]";

failureReason = "No such process";

userInfo = {

  BKLaunchdJobLabel = UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0xea2f][62];

  BKLaunchdOperation = launch_get_running_pid_4SB;



error 10:44:10.931924 +0300

SpringBoard [Application Center App] Bootstrap failed with error:

error 10:44:10.932136 +0300

SpringBoard Bootstrapping failed for with error: Error Domain=BKSProcessErrorDomain Code=1 "Unable to bootstrap process with bundleID Application Center App" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to bootstrap process with bundleID Application Center App, BKSProcessExitReason=0, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to start job, NSUnderlyingError=0x283400270 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=3 "No such process" UserInfo={BKLaunchdOperation=launch_get_running_pid_4SB, NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to get pid for label UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0x63d8][62], BKLaunchdJobLabel=UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0x63d8][62], NSLocalizedFailureReason=No such process}}, BKSProcessJobLabel=UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0x63d8][62], BSErrorCodeDescription=bootstrap-failed}

error 10:44:10.939002 +0300

assertiond Failed to start job with error {

description = "Unable to get pid for label UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0x63d8][62]";

failureReason = "No such process";

userInfo = {

  BKLaunchdJobLabel = UIKitApplication:Application Center App[0x63d8][62];

  BKLaunchdOperation = launch_get_running_pid_4SB;




There are 1 answers

manjunath kallannavar On

Upgrade to the latest iFix and refer the blog for more details : IBM MobileFirst and iOS12