I18n Show text with link inside

274 views Asked by At

I'd like to a text that looks like:

You created a new User

But what i get is just a plain text:

You crated a new <a href="/link/to/user">User</a>

I'm using public_activity gem to track changes inside my app.

Here is my view:


    - @activities.each do |activity|
      = render_activity(activity)
        = activity.created_at

and how i use the activies:

= t '.log', trackable_name: link_to("User", root_path)

log: 'You created a new %{trackable_name}'

Any help would be great, thanks!


There are 1 answers

Sibevin Wang On

Try this:

= raw(t('.log', trackable_name: link_to("User", root_path)))